Uppfångat om sociala medier

Det har handlat mycket om sociala medier den senaste tiden. Jag har samlat några små nedslag inom området nedan.

Det har handlat mycket om sociala medier den senaste tiden. Jag har samlat några små nedslag inom området nedan.

Från Social Networking Weblog:
Social Networking for familys
"It’ll be a sad day when families in the same home use a social networking site to keep connected, instead of family dinner. But, Phillip Lensen (presumably) has mocked up a parody dubbed Family 2.0."

MySpace revolutionizing music promotion
"Say we have a show in Orange County next week," he said. "I will get on there and do a people search for Orange County and look up our demographic – like ages 18 to 25 – and it will bring them all up. Then I’ll click on them and send them a message, saying, ’Hey, we’re coming to play next week – check out our music.’ That’s basically the same thing as handing out a flier while walking down the street, except you don’t have to drive down there and use all the gas."

Blogs and Social Media Forum
"Effective communication is a challenge for everybody in today’s organisations and social media is all about communication.  Knowing what’s being said both inside and outside your organisation is critical and must be understood and controlled.  But what exactly is involved?" Läs om programmet för forumet här.

MTV vill satsa på sociala nätverk
"Viacom som äger kanalen MTV är rädda att förlora sin relevans för de unga. Därför vill mediejätten, som startade som musikkanal, satsa på sociala nätverkstjänster som communities och bloggar. Vi tror inte att spelet är slut. Det har precis börjat, säger Tom Freston, chef hos Viacom, till Reuters, angående striden om var de unga tillbringar sin tid på nätet. Viacom uppger att de haft möten med flera företag som driver communities och sociala nätverk på webben. Dock har man, enligt Viacom, inte bestämt sig för om satsningen kommer att göras via samarbeten eller uppköp."

Hans Kullin från Media Culpa på Morph – The Media Center conversation
Communities make geography irrelevant
"Through this loosely connected global community, I have been able to gain insights and learn from thought leaders in a way I had not been able to do via trade publications and local peers. In fact, I think informal networks sometimes can be more useful than formal, like OpenBC for example. Either way, in some aspects I may have more in common with a blogger in Iran than with my neighbours in a white, middle-class reservation in Stockholm. When it comes to topics we are highly committed to, geography is becoming increasingly irrelevant."

Från POP! PR Jots
Shel Israel and Robert Scoble at New Communications Forum
"Scoble and Israel are talking about how lists do not matter much, but what does matter is the viral aspect of blogs and social networks. If you like to fly kites, and want to blog about kites, blog about kites – it does not matter if you have five readers that enjoy your blog, they still are enjoying your blog. To be successful, you don’t need 1000’s of readers, but to just have passion … and it will still be viral."

Corporate PR (Elizabeth Albrycht)
Ten tools for network building
In our focus on network building, we take "content" to be one tool among many. Of course, that begs the question, what are the other tools? Here is a list, not perfect yet, but I think a good start (in no particular order of importance). Läs de tio punkterna här.

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En trampolin till sociala medier

Bisonblog har gjort en sammanställning eller trampolin för dig som vill hoppa rakt in i Familjen 2.0 och lära dig mer om sociala medier.
Bisonblog: Uppfångat om sociala medier
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