Spana in bloggen på Church of the customer "All about word of mouth, customer evangelism and citizen marketers". Ben McConnell och Jackie Huba som står bakom bloggen har författat boken Creating Customer Evangelists och sitter även med i styrelsen för Word of Mouth Marketing Association. I några av de senast inläggen kan man läsa tuffa citat som:
"YouTube is the Doogie Howser of social media companies: bright, precocious and leapfrogging into the world faster than its peers."
"Just to add to the mix, we decided to describe people who create blogs, podcasts, videos and other stuff that periodically reference companies or organizations in a favorable, neutral or unfavorable light as citizen marketers, a spin-off the citizen journalist meme."
"The lesson here is: If you’re going to give up control, don’t do it halfway, trying to game the system. The congregation is smarter than the carny. Appeal to the evangelists."
"In a community site, the customers are a widespread support team."
"What’s remarkable these days is any organization that nurtures a community of fans. Their products may not be a mind-blowing as the iPod, the current standard by which most products are surely measured these days, but your product probably won’t be a disruptive influence in the cultural lives of 40 million people, either. However, you, or your product, or your service are probably loved by many more people than you imagine. How else could you stay in business?"
Apropå kundrelationer och word of mouth så var jag på ett seminarium med Simon Silvester (Executive Planning Director, Young & Rubicam/Wunderman Europe) igår, anordnat av Nerell More Wunderman. Temat var relationsmarknadsföring och Simon jämförde t.ex. dagens TV-reklam med spam när det gäller effektivitet. Jag tänker skriva lite mer om det efter helgen tror jag.