Precis som det spekulerats om tidigare, och som jag skrev om i söndags, så blev det idag (onsdag) klart att Facebook ansöker om att börsintroduceras, det vill säga en IPO (Initial Public Offering). Se hela registreringsunderlaget längre ner i det här blogginlägget.
Techcrunch skriver fortlöpande mer om händelsen och konstaterar att många av bolagets anställda nu kan bli dollarmiljonärer:
Facebook is looking to raise $5 billion— and will mint hundreds (perhaps even thousands) of employees as millionaires in the process.
Värt att notera är att Facebook under 2011 gjorde en nettovinst på 1 miljard dollar (om jag inte läser fel från det här underlaget) vilket ska ställas mot en årsomsättning på 3,7 miljarder dollar (inte 4,2 som det spekulerats om tidigare). Det kanske får Aftonbladets chefredaktör Jan Helin att tänka till då han i en kommentar till Joakim Jardenberg i den här artikeln för två år sedan skrev ”Show me the money Facebook! Time spent och trafik är ruggigt imponerande på Facebook, men var är affären?” (Tipstack till Björn Jeffery som uppmärksammade det hela via Twitter).
Under 2010 gick Facebook ”bara” med 606 miljoner dollar i nettovinst, och 2009 fick företaget med 229 miljoner dollar i nettovinst (254 före skatt). En affär fanns ju helt klart…

Vad innehåller IPO-underlaget (formulär S-1) för andra intressanta detaljer eller avslöjanden om Facebook inför deras entré i börsens strålkastarljus? Wrapps grundare Andreas Ehn tipsar via Twitter om den här tråden på Quora som han tror kan bli intressant att följa: What are the most notable aspects of Facebook’s S-1?
Facebook värderas nu till cirka 100 miljarder dollar, vilket är lika mycket som hela Gulfkriget kostade, eller som 120 Eiffel-torn, eller hela världens kaffeindustri, eller alla bröstcancerbehandlingar i USA under 6 år.
Lite allmän Facebook-kuriosa som framgår av underlaget till IPO:n
Antal medlemmar: 845 miljoner
Antal kommentarer och likes varje dag: 2,7 miljarder
Antalet bilder uppladdade varje dag: 250 miljoner
Antalet vänskapsrelationer: 100 miljarder
Mer från Form S-1 Registration Statement:
- We had 483 million daily active users (DAUs) on average in December 2011, an increase of 48% as compared to327 million DAUs in December 2010.
- We had more than 425 million MAUs who used Facebook mobile products in December 2011.
- There were more than 100 billion friend connections on Facebook as of December 31, 2011.
- Our users generated an average of 2.7 billion Likes and Comments per day during the three months endedDecember 31, 2011.
We are in the early days of pursuing our mission to make the world more open and connected. We believe that wehave a significant opportunity to further enhance the value we deliver to users, developers, and advertisers. Key elementsof our strategy are:
• Expand Our Global User Community.
We continue to focus on growing our user base across all geographies,including relatively less-penetrated, large markets such as Brazil, Germany, India, Japan, Russia, and SouthKorea. We intend to grow our user base by continuing our marketing and user acquisition efforts and enhancingour products, including mobile apps, in order to make Facebook more accessible and useful.
• Build Great Social Products to Increase Engagement.
We prioritize product development investments that we believe will create engaging interactions between our users, developers, and advertisers on Facebook, across theweb, and on mobile devices. We continue to invest significantly in improving our core products such as NewsFeed, Photos, and Groups, developing new products such as Timeline and Ticker, and enabling new Platformapps and website integrations.
• Provide Users with the Most Compelling Experience.
Facebook users are sharing and receiving moreinformation across a broader range of devices. To provide the most compelling user experience, we continue todevelop products and technologies focused on optimizing our social distribution channels to deliver the mostuseful content to each user by analyzing and organizing vast amounts of information in real time.
• Build Engaging Mobile Experiences.
We are devoting substantial resources to developing engaging mobile products and experiences for a wide range of platforms, including smartphones and feature phones. In addition,we are working across the mobile industry with operators, hardware manufacturers, operating system providers,and developers to improve the Facebook experience on mobile devices and make Facebook available to more people around the world. We believe that mobile usage is critical to maintaining user growth and engagementover the long term.
• Enable Developers to Build Great Social Products Using the Facebook Platform.
The success of our Platformdevelopers and the vibrancy of our Platform ecosystem are key to increasing user engagement.We continue to invest in tools and APIs that enhance the ability of Platform developers to deliver products thatare more social and personalized and better engage users on Facebook, across the web, and on mobile devices.Additionally, we plan to invest in enhancing our Payments offerings and in making the Payments experience onFacebook as convenient as possible for users and Platform developers.
• Improve Ad Products for Advertisers and Users.
We plan to continue to improve our ad products in order tocreate more value for advertisers and enhance their ability to make their advertising more social and relevant for users. Our advertising strategy centers on the belief that ad products that are social, relevant, and well-integratedwith other content on Facebook can enhance the user experience while providing an attractive return for advertisers. We intend to invest in additional products for our advertisers and marketers while continuing to balance our monetization objectives with our commitment to optimizing the user experience
Här kan du läsa hela registreringsunderlaget:
Facebook S-1